Sending text to Marked with Alfred

I have been playing around with Drafts for Mac for a little while and it has now taken over all my note taking function. Previously my notes were stored on Dropbox and accessed through a variety of text editors. One of the issues with the Mac version of Drafts, so far, is the lack of actions. However, Alfred can easily be used on text selections to automate a number of tasks. One automation is sending the draft to Marked for a nice preview (with a variety of themes based on CSS) and the ability to export to a range of formats. In Alfred create a new workflow with a trigger that takes the selected text. Pass the contents of this to the following Bash script:

TMPFILE=`mktemp -t marked2-preview`
echo "$QUERY" > $TMPFILE
open -a "Marked" $TMPFILE
osascript -e 'tell application "Marked 2" to activate'

A copy of the workflow is here

Written on January 7, 2025